Responding to SMS messages

Once your SMS registration has been successfully completed, Your New Lead Nurture Campaigns will include text messages, and any new lead who has opted-in to SMS will receive those SMS messages. This is great news because SMS has, on average, an 8x the response rate compared to email! 

When a lead responds to one of your SMS messages, you will be notified several ways. But then what? 

FYI, if a lead tries to call the number from which your SMS messages are sent, the call will be forwarded to your mobile phone number. The Activity Feed will display a record of the call made by the contact and a Hand Raise will be generated for this contact as well.

Review the Lead's Reply

You will receive a notification via email or text (depending on your Activity Alerts settings) that the lead replied to an SMS message. You will also get a Hand Raise To Do in the system.  

Text Alert
Email Alert
Hand Raise Alert

Clicking on the lead’s name in the system or clicking the link in the email/text will take you to the lead’s details page. Click on the Activity Feed tab and scroll down to find the lead’s response.  

Reply Via Text, Phone Call, or Email

The system doesn’t currently offer the ability to send SMS messages directly to your leads, so you can’t reply directly in the CRM. Here are your options: 

Option 1 (preferred): Send a Text From Your Personal Cell Number

Manually add the lead’s cell phone number to your cellphone contacts. Then, compose a new text message that lets the lead know you received their response and wanted to reach out from your personal cell number. Answer any questions they asked in their original message.  

Phone Number

Example Text Script: 

Hi (Contact first name)

This is (your name) from (your company). I received your text, and I wanted to reach out from my personal number so I can respond quicker. (Answer their question or thank them for the details about their search)  

Let me know if you have questions or want to set up a time to meet or chat. You can call or text me at this number anytime and I’ll respond as quickly as I can. Thanks! 

Option 2: Call and Leave a Voicemail 

Keep in mind that many people choose to respond to a text because they like the in-directness of it, so they may find calling a little abrupt or aggressive. If you choose to call the lead and they don’t answer, leave them a voicemail introducing yourself and letting them know how they can reach you. Answer any questions they asked in their original message. 

Option 3: Send an Email Response with Listings

From the Contact Detail Page, click on the “Send Listings” link or click on the lead’s email address to compose a new message. Select some relevant listings, then let the lead know you received their text message and wanted to respond via email so you could send a few listings. Answer any questions they asked in their original message.  

Email Address

Example Email Script: 

Hi (Contact first name)

This is (your name) from (your company). I received your text. (Answer their question or thank them for the details about their search.) I’m reaching out via email, so I can send you some listings. Here are a few properties I thought you might find interesting. Is there anything you particularly like or dislike about them? 

Let me know if you have questions or want to set up a time to meet or chat. You can call or text me at my personal number: (your cell number) anytime, and I’ll respond as quickly as I can. Thanks! 

Complete To Do and Add a Note  

Once you’ve responded to your lead’s text message, make sure you document it in the system.  

First, find the Hand Raise To Do that told you to respond to the SMS message. Click the checkbox to mark it as complete. Follow-up Done! Next, add a note to the lead’s activity feed to document how you reached out to them. 

Example Note:  

Sent a text from personal number on 1/3/24. Answered her questions and sent her a link to my website. 

That’s it! Make sure to respond quickly to any future messages, and always focus on providing value as you build a relationship with each lead.  

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SMS in Nurture Campaigns
