Listing Details
The Listing Details feature of your Market Leader system allows you to view detailed information about each listing. In addition to the information pulled from your MLS, this feature also displays sc…
Market Your Listings
Market Leader provides a number of ways for you to promote individual listings. In the Market My Listings section, you can manage and review your property marketing activities and feature listings on…
Create a Custom Property
A custom property allows you to spotlight a listing that isn’t on the MLS such as a pocket listing, an FSBO, or a a property you sold recently. Once created, you can share this property via a standal…
Showcase Properties With a Single Property Website
The Showcase Properties feature allows you to spotlight specific listings in a variety of ways. One of the ways you can spotlight your active listings is by creating a Single Property Website. With t…
Listing Marketing Automation
With Market Leader's Listing Marketing Automation, your system will email you a ready-made, customizable marketing package to promote your new listings. Now you can spend your time selling homes, and…