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Customize Your SEO Titles and Descriptions
Updating your SEO Titles and Descriptions can improve your website visibility on Google and other search engines. The SEO title is the text description on the internet tab, and the description is the text that will appear in search engines.
SEO Titles
Titles should be 60 characters or less. Before you start, think about the different keywords that someone might search in order to find your page. These are the terms you will want to use in your Titles and Descriptions, but remember that these are viewed by potential clients so they need to read nicely and not just look like a bunch of key words strung together.
Additionally, broad Titles like “Home Listings in Seattle” should be minimized due to the intense competition around those terms. More detailed titles like “Seattle Houses for Sale – Ballard and Queen Anne Home Expert” will rank on search engines better because they have more specific search terms.
Meta Descriptions
Descriptions should be 160 characters or less and should explain what a person will find if they visit that page of your website. Keep your keywords in mind and use them appropriately, but really focus on writing a description that will make a person want to click on your page.
To update your SEO Titles and Descriptions, first select the desired page and expand the page menu by clicking the Page link, then select SEO Settings.
Then add your desired title and description content, and click Save.