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Market Insider Newsletter

Market Insider includes a monthly newsletter report email that provides your contacts with valuable market data for areas they're searching in, and drives them back to your website. Once a contact is subscribed to the Market Insider report, they'll receive their first newsletter in 2 weeks, then once a month thereafter.

Find Contacts to Subscribe to the Market Insider Report

In your Market Leader system you can quickly and easily find all of your contacts that have not yet been subscribed to Market Insider. From your All Contacts section, click the Filters button.

Find the Market Insider drop down menu and select No. Then, click Search. You’re contact list will now only display contacts who are not subscribed to the Market Insider report.

Subscribe a Contact to the Market Insider Report

Click on the contact you wish to subscribe, then click the Drip Campaigns button.

This will open the list of marketing campaigns you can add them to. Market Insider will be at the top of the list. To subscribe them, simply click the Market Insider link.

Now you can add the zip code for your contact, and then select Send Monthly. When you're finished, click Save.

Consumers can also subscribe themselves to this report on the Market Insider section of your website.

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Create and Manage Groups

Bulk Updates to Contact Records
